Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti

ASE – Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti

Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti (abreviation ASE) (in English, Bucharest University of Economic Studies), established in 1913, is the oldest and most prestigious economic university in Romania, being a university of advanced research and education. ASE has obtained national and international recognition for its high-quality graduate and postgraduate study programs. Currently, there are more than 20.000 students studying in the programs provided by 11 faculties. ASE pays special attention to national and international scientific research, providing fundamental support for educational activities and student research. Among the remarkable results achieved in research by ASE after 2012 there are more than 50 research projects implemented, contracted by various national and EU programs; it publishes 20 academic journals of international recognition and there are 10 international scientific conferences, hosted and organized annualy by ASE. Currently, research is conducted within the ASE in 22 research centers, of which 10 centers include professors from several faculties and departments and carry out interdisciplinary research.

ASE is the leader of the Work Package on Quantitative (statistical) overview on youth migration, and coordinates the statistical data compilation and quantitative analysis. The ASE team includes economists with a statistical background and has high expertise in working with statistical data and also in international migration and mobility. It is also actively involved in the case studies.

Team members

Photo of Prof. Dr. Monica Roman
Prof. Dr. Monica Roman
Team Leader
Photo of Lecturer Dr. Smaranda Cimpoeru
Lecturer Dr. Smaranda Cimpoeru
Deputy Team Leader
Photo of Prof. Dr. Dorel Mihai Paraschiv, vicerector
Prof. Dr. Dorel Mihai Paraschiv, vicerector
Team Member
Photo of Prof. Dr. Laura Mihaela Muresan
Prof. Dr. Laura Mihaela Muresan
Team Member
Photo of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioana MANAFI
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioana MANAFI
Team Member
Photo of Lecturer Vlad I. Roșca
Lecturer Vlad I. Roșca
Team Member
Photo of Assist. Prof. Dr. Elena Prada
Assist. Prof. Dr. Elena Prada
Team Member
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti
Piata Romana nr. 6, sector 1