Universitet i Bergen

UiB – Universitet i Bergen

The University of Bergen (UiB) is a young, modern university with about 16,500 students and 3,600 faculty and staff, making it a medium sized European University. UiB is an internationally recognised research university and the most cited university in Norway. To date UiB is involved in 109 FP7 projects - 38 coordinated by UiB and has been awarded 95 projects under H2020 of which 33 are coordinated by UiB.

MIMY will be hosted at the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences at UiB. Research at the Department of Sociology focuses on development, migration, work life, and welfare with a special focus on problems concerning inequality. The department of Sociology has three main profile groups: Welfare, Inequality and Life Course; Migration, Environment and Development and Work, Knowledge, Economy and Education. Several researcher of the department are strongly engaged in migration research and active in the research unit IMER/UiB.

UiB is leading the Work Package on Concepts and Methodology. The UiB team will provide a critical evaluation of the integration debate and theoretical concepts of integration, vulnerability, and resilience regarding young migrants in vulnerable conditions from a life-course perspective. In addition, UiB will explore and critically evaluate latest methodologies to approach young migrants regarding their integration, vulnerability and resilience, the interlinkage of these dimensions from life-course perspective and will outline the concept of “liquid integration” in the context of change and super-diversity.

Team members

Photo of Prof. Dr. Jan Skrobanek
Prof. Dr. Jan Skrobanek
Team Leader
Photo of Rebecca Anensen
Rebecca Anensen
Team Member
Photo of Yannet Urgessa
Yannet Urgessa
Team Member
Photo of Joakim Jensen
Joakim Jensen
Team Member
Universitet i Bergen
Department of Sociology
Rosenbergsgate 39
Postboks 7802
5020 Bergen